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Oct. 11 2021
Evidence continues to mount in favor of folks who eat more dairy fats. The latest research comes from a study involving 4,150 60-year-old Swedish citizens
Oct. 11 2021
It’s well-known within dairy and all of agriculture that producers are proactive leaders in land and water stewardship
Oct. 11 2021
Financial evaluations, crop yields, weather predictions . . . dairy farmers consume and evaluate countless forms of data like this every day
Oct. 11 2021
When people across the world think of Wisconsin, they think of cheese. And for good reason — Wisconsin is The State of Cheese and wins more national and international cheese awards than any other
Oct. 11 2021
Tax deadlines are months away, but now is actually a great time for farms to start tax planning. Corey Clark, a farm business management educator, explained why during a Michigan State University
Oct. 10 2021
A nonfarm friend recently commented on a social media video that included a toddler from a farm family walking around the barn and the animals
Oct. 10 2021
The drum beat for renewable energy continues to grow louder throughout North America and Europe. While winds come and go, clouds can place solar panels on pause, and water flowing over dams holds fish
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Oct. 10 2021
The analysis of milk flow dynamics can provide valuable information for improving both milking efficiency and udder health. Among the numerous measures of milk flow, bimodality has been used extensive
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Oct. 10 2021
This article continues our discussion on the new Dairy NRC 2021 that’s more formally referred to as NASEM Dairy 2021. My overall impressions are conservative
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Oct. 10 2021
soybean meal is one of those basic ration ingredients that we can take for granted. It is among the most essential of commodities fed to dairy cows and accounts for two-thirds of the world’s
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Oct. 10 2021
A few weeks ago, I didn’t feel all that well and broke with a digestive upset. This happens from time to time unfortunately, and most of you understand the discomfort
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Oct. 10 2021
The author and her family own and operate a 570-cow Holstein and Jersey dairy near Berlin, Pa.Both work and culture are important to the trainees at Diamond Farm. That’s why bike trips to Washington
Oct. 10 2021
Dairy News as reported in the Washington Dairygrams for the October 2021 issue of Hoard's Dairyman
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Oct. 10 2021
To ensure no cows are locked in the headlocks when the manure scraper cleans the alley, we hung the times of the day when the scraper comes by on the post by the headlock lever. That way, we don’t...
Oct. 7 2021
In a business like dairy that balances on narrow margins, every chance for improvement offers opportunities to use resources more effectively and more efficiently
Oct. 7 2021
Most people would not consider a barnyard to be a particularly high-tech place or a location where drones might be at work. Even so, you could easily spot a drone flying around at a farm these days
Oct. 7 2021
What do top-tier dairy producers have in common?That was one question posed to a panel of agricultural financial lenders during the World Dairy Expo’s educational seminar
Oct. 7 2021
For only the second time since 1994, domestic cheese sales in the United States fell when compared to the previous year. In both instances, it took an economic shockwave to stop the sales ascent
Oct. 4 2021
“It will be a disaster!” That was my thought last month when I learned that my laboratory technician was moving to another state and, therefore, leaving the laboratory in September
Oct. 4 2021
China is expected to slow their milk powder import needs in the coming months. If other global importers cannot pick up the slack, downside price risk will be rippling through global dairy markets